What is ChariTEA?
We choose a new ChariTEA (Charity - see what we did there!) every quarter which is close to our hearts. The ChariTEA is nominated by one of our Teabirds, they then choose a tea blend that reflects them or what they support and we donate the profits of the blend to their wonderful cause!
During the July 2021 to September 2021 our chosen ChariTEA was Heads Above the Waves - a non-profit organisation that supports young people who struggle with their mental health, and in particular self-harm.
The tea they have chosen as their blend is Vicky's Sponge Cake. So every penny of profit from this blend from July to September will be donated to supporting the running of this amazing organisation! If you bought Vicky's Sponge Cake online or in store during the quarter, you could enjoy your brew knowing you're doing good too! We are so happy to announce that with your support we have raised £4441.52!!
How did Heads Above the Waves become our ChariTEA of the Quarter?

Here's what he has to say about why he nominated them:
"I nominated HATW because the work is they so vital. Everyone struggles with their mental health at one point, in different ways, and having the tools and vocabulary to navigate and talk about it is invaluable.
I would have really benefited from an organisation like HATW when I was young, so I'm really pleased Bird & Blend can support them. Plus they're also the nicest group people you're ever likely to meet!"
Who are Heads Above the Waves & what do they do?
HATW was set up by their founders after their own experiences experiences of dealing with self-harm. They want to be the support to young people that they would’ve wanted. Not cold & clinical, but compassionate and on their level.
Their aim as an organisation is to stop self-harm in young people. They’re doing this by introducing people to healthy, positive, and creative coping mechanisms, as well as helping to understand the root issue that’s leading to self-harm.
Their awesome merchandise is the main way they fund their work, and they are a great a way to start conversations about mental health. The key items are the products with a positive message on like the “I’m Glad You Exist” long sleeve tee and the 'Love Yourself' enamel pin. They keep their items affordable and accessible to all so everyone is able to start and have conversations about mental health!
HATW have a shop in the heart of Cardiff and it is also an informal drop-in space for anyone in town who’s feeling overwhelmed. They have also just opened up a coffee shop so now folks can come and have a chat over a cuppa (featuring some of our blends very soon too!).
HATW deliver workshops, PSE days, wellbeing sessions, and staff training in schools, colleges, youth groups, and universities. This allows them to actively engage with young people, and give them the space to try coping techniques for themselves, and talk about their experiences. During lockdown they created a set of online workshops for students to access at home and in their own time.
How did we support them?
We were thrilled to be working with Heads Above the Waves through a range of different activities over the quarter. These included staff volunteering days, donating tea to sell in their cafe, a mixology & mental health awareness workshop in the Cardiff store and 'I'm Glad You Exist' postcards in all stores for customers to send messages of support to friends & family.
How can you help?
The easiest way to support HATW was to buy some Vicky's Sponge Cake but there are lots of other things you can do to help them out. You can help spread the word by buying some merch and wearing it proudly. If you see someone wearing a HATW shirt, go have a conversation about mental health with them (it doesn’t have to be super personal or scary!).
Share your story - by sharing your experiences, you’re contributing to the HATW community letting people know they’re not alone and that it does get better.
They also have lots volunteering and fundraising opportunities, you can find out more here.