It can’t be Valentine's day without a proper love story eh Teabirds?
This season of love, we had the pleasure to witness and be secretly involved in a gorgeous tea proposal! Yep that’s right a TEA PROPOSAL (swoon!)
Love birds Victor and Kyle met 2 and half years ago at a Dungeons and Dragons game and hit it off pretty fast! While Kyle studies in California and Victor is in the UK they have a long distance relationship but really make the effort to see each other as much as possible! After planning a trip over to visit Victor for their 2 year anniversary, sadly due to Covid-19 their long awaited reunion was to be put on hold!

“Originally I had been planning on proposing to him on our anniversary, at Tonbridge Castle as it holds great significance to the both of us. It got to the later part of the year and I really really wanted to propose and all I could think about in our calls was to do it!”
So with Victor being a top Teabird, loving our blends since day 1, he had an idea to get Kyle (after mentioning he wanted to delve into the tea world!) a gift box of romantic-sounding blends.
Then light bulbs lit and he had a plan! “Since you can include hand written notes i just knew I had the perfect way to propose, I wrote him a little love note and asked him not to read it until we were on a video call.”
With his gift box order, we popped the note into an envelope and made sure to write “Do not open” just in case! (eek!) “The handwritten note was perfect, because after the excitement of opening and smelling the blends, he looked down and there was the envelope.
I told him to read it and as he got to the 'will you marry me' part and I held up the ring.”
And the funny yet wonderful thing is Teabirds, Kyle was also planning on proposing too and he then got out his ring! Awhhh!! Too much for our hearts!
So a massive congratulations to this fabulous couple, Victor and Kyle! We wish you all the best and hope you will see each other very soon to celebrate your love and drink bountifuls of tea together!
Have you got a love story that you would like to share with us? Has our tea made a connection or a unique moment? We would LOVE to hear from you!